Blog Shift
Hello Everybody.
As of January 1st, 2007 I will shift into a new blog, titled Capt.ainment, which combines all the elements off all my blogs into one location. With Labels (that will ensure you view exactly what you want to see) or just everything all at once. A thousand apologies to everyone for my billionth change in main locations, but I think that this may be the last in a long while. I will slowly be moving postings over into one blog.
Newsbits can be found with the label News. You can also jump into the subcategories of Random Facts, and Current Facts, as well as the year end headline Recaps.
For the latest Entertainment updates; Monthly Musical Interests, Internet (formery Internet Junk) links, Nitpicks & Rumors (formerly two posts, Picks & Grips, and Rumors), and Jokes.
Thus, my Entertainment Jumper page has also changed to Main Menu.
The right side pannel will contain a wide assortment of quick links (at all times, at any post link) which include; a jump to my own MySpace page, my Yahoo/Launchcast Music Station, access to view Excite (personal pages are not set up for public access), a jump to my own 360° page, my own LiveJournal, Bebo and MSN Spaces pages. Direct quick links to eVite and NetFlix. Quick jumps to the Research posting (which includes a link to Job Search posting), and Google Reader. It also has a Main Menu jump (for those times you want quick access to that). It also contains a (a temporary) link to the older News blog and Entertainment blog, as well as jumps to the Time Killers and Games postings.
It also includes the last five items I marked as "share" from my Google Reader (consolidated from over 300 RSS Feed Subscriptions), and a drop down list of all the available labels. Check it out if your not already using it!
thanks for your time and feedback!
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