Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Top 2004 Blogs

Taken from BlogPulse

The transcript of comedian Jon Stewart's not-so-funny October debate with CNN "Crossfire" hosts Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala was the No. 1 "blogged" news item of 2004 at BlogPulse.com, based on links provided by bloggers to the transcript.

Bloggers linked to the "Crossfire" transcript in their online commentaries 1,880 times in 2004, followed by 1,415 references to Slate.com’s "Unfairenheit 9/11: The Lies of Michael Moore" and 1,174 citations for the BBC’s obituary of radio DJ John Peel.

Other top news stories, in order, were Common Dreams’ "Evidence Mounts That Vote May Have Been Hacked" (Nov. 6; 966 citations), CBS News’ "CBS Names Probe Panel" (Sept. 22; 953) and The Nation’s "100 Facts and 1 Opinion: The Non-Arguable Case Against the Bush Administration" (Oct. 30; 783).

Top people/personalities: (3.9 million total among the top 100) President George Bush (637,646 citations); Sen. John Kerry (411,977); movie character Harry Potter (333,418); singer Britney Spears (119,661) and film maker Michael Moore (111,876). Others of note: No. 6 Saddam Hussein (85,311); No. 12 Osama Bin Laden (63,003), No. 39 former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean (23,649 hits) and No. 91 radio DJ Howard Stern (13, 236 hits).

Top News Sources: (2.2 million total among the top 100) Yahoo! News (205,093 citations); The New York Times (188,596); BBC (161,805), CNN (144,560) and The Washington Post (113,417). Others of note: No. 14 Fox News (34,915), No. 24 CBS News (19,865), and at No. 85, the English-version web site of Aljazeera.net (6,834).

Top Blogs: (527,881 among the top 100) BoingBoing: A Directory of Wonderful Things (23,836 citations); DailyKos political blog (21,530); Instapundit political blog (21,391), The Drudge Report news/political blog (19,220); and Slashdot: News for Nerds, Stuff That Matters (18,901).

Top Web Sites: (3.9 million among the top 100) Hello.com (571,569 citations), Quizilla.com (440,364), Memegen.net (286,362), Amazon.com (255,152) and Go-Quiz.com (217,443).